Sleaze, Glam,
Rock and a totally adoration about Stryper, Motley Crue
and 80's scene. Crashdiet fo yuo all!!!
Hi guys, lets tell us your
story so far. I know that u formed the band in 2000
but during the years u had some problems with the line
up. Would u like to explain us what happened? Is there
still someone of the original line-up? And do u know
what are the ex-Crash Diet members doing? Do u still
keep in contact?
Dave Lepard: I started
this project back in 97 and wrote a couple of songs
that is released now for example Crazy Nites and we
played it with the first official line-up with Mary
goore on guitar and mace kelly on bass and Tom bones
on drums but they where into death metal and still plays
in a deathband called Repugnant which kikks ass so due
to internal issues in the band they left ,and happy
happy me found the guys that is in the band rite now
, and this is the true line-up of Crashdiet...
Martin Sweet: I don´t
know the old guys that well.
Eric Young: The main cause
for the split of old crash was as far as
ive been told, just differences in what to make of crash
diet, Some of the old dudes where in to a totally different
way of planning and making of the band, so the seperating
of the members was a fact.
London: I don't know the
old guys but I wish them luck in the future and thanks
for giving me the opportunity to join crashdiet....
If I dont make a mistake
some songs of your last selftitled 7 tracks demo should
be some old ones that u remixed during the year. Why
did u do that and which are the new releases?
Dave Lepard: Well for starters
we played with the first line-up Miss pain and gimme
what i need and california white and those songs are
still goin`strong so we havnt really done so much changes
except a few solo diffs during the last year..the rest
of the tunes is new and fullfilling the purpose to complete
this first set of release...
Martin Sweet: Since the
old recordings where never released, we felt it was
time to do so. And some re-arangements were done to
lift up them to new hights. One of the new songs Roit
in everyone actually it was written e few years
ago by me, and then Dave added som riffz and vocals
to it. The first Sweet/Lepard C/O-written song!
Eric Young: The re-mixing
was mostly because of the new band and sound that we
had to offer. Old recordings are great but, we hold
a new and more deadly line-up so we just wanted to show
the true sound of new Crash
Diet! The new release is, Riot in everyone,
its a kickass song written by Dave n` Sweet and it'll
make ju swing!!
Gimme What I Need,
Out Of Line and Riot In Everywhere
make me think to some 80s European hard rock bands
like TNT and Europe, or Riot in Fire Down Under.
A version of them without Keys . What do u think about
Dave Lepard: Personally
i dont think it resembles to any of the bands above
in direct terms, more then to some various riffs perhaps
and maybe "Riot`s Thunder steel" should be
better to refeer to but all thou we take influences
from all the bands so in one way or another we`re a
milkshake of `em all....
Martin Sweet: Hmm, I don´t
don´t think I can agree with ya there... Europe?
Eric Young: Well, that
is totally up to everyone and other, personally i think
we sound like we do.
London: I don't think it's
neccesarily to refer and compare our music to anything
at all, it's just a question if you like the way we
sound or not. We try to be as original as we can be
but it's difficult today when pretty much everything
already has been done. Our goal is to just do it even
better hahaha....
Your look and the chorus in Queen
Obscene or the bursting intro of Miss Pain
make me suppose that u love Tigertailz, The Motley Crue
and more generally speaking the Glam Sleaze Metal of
the 80s. Do u agree?
Dave Lepard: Yeah!!! Thats
rite i love the glitter-gutter nasty hair doos combined
rippin guitar screechin`and balls bustin 80`s sleaze
glam shit the most, and in particular on the Queen obscene
chorus youll hear all the bands above in a Crashdiet
blender tryin to grip the best scene ever....
Martin Sweet: Totally!
Don´t forget Stryper!!
Eric Young: Yeah man, you
hit the spot right there. Ofcourse were not out to sound
like Tigertailz n´ Mötley Crüe, but
we just try to get our music out for the world to hear,
and if someone hears Mötley crüe or Tigertailz
in it, its just cool.
London: Of course. The
look and sound of the 80's glam/sleaze bands kills that's
for sure....
I find that your 7-tracks demo
has been realised with good techniques and have a deep
impact, but I think that your look does not reflect
your sound at 100%. Dont u think that the audience
could be confused by this? Do u think that its
not the cowl to make the monk? How deceiving can appearances
Dave Lepard: For me the
looks is just a part of me and the music dont comes
from the way we look . so these days who can be decieved
by the way anybody looks ...even thou we dresses up
like girls one day dosnt mean that we wont look like
gutter punks the other.....
Martin Sweet: I don´t
agree with u there either.. People get what they want,
don´t they?
Eric Young: The thing is
that, music, as we play it is not to be expected as
one particular kind of image rockers. We
play what we play, we dress as we please and if people
dont think it fits our image, so be it.
London: Well. My look is
not an image, I'm just wearing the dirty clothes I happen
to find on my floor every morning and I don't care that
much... I think most people would get confused whatever
we would sound like.
Dave u have a shrill high voice
of a very good range that can make people remember King
Diamond, but in my opinion it is more similar to the
one of Tony Hansen (TNT singer) in Knights of
the Thunder(84)! Do u like this vocalist?
Which were the singers that influenced u the most?
Dave Lepard: Thank man
i havn't been compared to Mr.Hansen before but i like
him alot his a great vocalist, my influences during
the years must have been mostly from Sebastian bach
and later on by Michael Sweet but im a huge GG Allin
fan so i guess that fuckes up the credability of my
influencal list....but im just tryin to scream my lungs
out as much as i can and hopefully it will be better
Lets do some advertising:
what is your favourite brand of make up? Is there any
shop in particular where u find the stuff u use to make
your look so original?
Martin Sweet: (laugh)...
I always borrow!
Dave Lepard:: I buy all
my make up on a store called KICKS and H&M and MAKE-UP
STORE everything that is bright and fresh and colorful
that makes me look like a girl i like the most...
London: Well I don't think
our look is that original... we use the same kind of
makeup every little girl does the only difference is
that we actually are men wearing it.But I buy my stuff
on H&M and Make-up store. Actually I get Isadora
stuff for free so I'm using that alot, even though I'd
never go out and pay for that shit.
Many Swedish girls I meet on
ICQ seem to appreciate u, also physically I mean. So
I suppose u should have a terrific success with women.
Why dont u write down a brief chapter of Crah
Diet - The Dirt talking about some experience
with groupies
I believe its one of the most
exciting side of being a rocker!
Martin Sweet: Well... I´ll
let Dave do the talking there...
Dave Lepard: Well that
would be a nice way to put your self on the spot with
the girls over here... But on the last gig a girl came
up to me after the show and gave me the worst kinda
lap dance you would ever see in the dressing room and
i was shit drunk and puked on her shoes and took her
money bought me some more beer and went home with another
chick that didnt knew how to dance as well, but a great
bedtime storie the morning i got breakfeast
in bed with her head under the cover and i snuck out
when she was takin a shower...
London: People tell me
I have a tail of girls after me when I'm visiting our
local rockclubs. Personally I'm not much into this groupie
thing as I don't think they have thatmuch to offer in
most cases.
Lets talk about Italian
girls: what do u think about them and what would u do
or say to convince them to follow u in the backstage?
Martin Sweet: I don´t
have to say anything..
Eric Young: I usually show
my dick, and just because they feel sorry for me n'
dont wanna break my heart they often follow. (laugh)
Dave Lepard: I havnt had
the opportunity to meat any italian girls yet but im
sure they are great and i cant wait to meet them...
If they need to be convinced to follow backstage then
we havnt been cute enough or playd a real shitty gig
so then i guess the charm of an ass-hole must get going...
But i reckon the girls will come along anyway. (laugh)
London: I'd show my dick
and they would hopefully go home and I could concentrate
on my drinking session with my boys.
What do u do before performing
on-stage? Do u use to act some particular ritual or
theres some particular object u like to sqeeze?
Are u superstitious?
Martin Sweet: We pray to
Michael Sweet every night!
Eric Young: Well, some
sacrifing of chickens n' rats never hurt.
Dave Lepard: Drinks alot
of beer and say our prayers to Michael sweet of stryper
to come rescue us from all the bad things that might
occur, such as playin wrong and sing out o key... But
some how he dosnt listen coz thats just what we`re doing...
London: Maybe we still
have something to learn here as Michael Sweet refuses
to listen to our prayers.
Wed like to know your favourite:
drink, record and pornostar.
Martin Sweet: Gin &
tonic, Britney Spears Baby one more time,
Amber Michaels - Azz Worship.
Eric Young: Beer, Motley-Too
fast for love, Peter London!
Dave Lepard: Moonshine
& California White, Brutality & Bloodshed For
All (GG Allin), Kasha the old slut...
London: Beer, Guns n' roses
- Appetite for destruction, myself.
Add an adjective or a brief description
to the following men, girls or elements of the list
Mick Mars
Dave Lepard: The beauty
and the beast of all times..
Martin Sweet: Better than
Eric Young: Kick ass guy
London: A rock n' roll
icon!!! My favourite member of Motley crue.
Backyard Babies
Martin Sweet: I like them..
But I hate their wannabe attitude.
Eric Young: Backyard who?
Dave Lepard: Dont know
what that is...
London: Rock n' roll music
with a lack of attitude (Can't be good)
Lemmy Killmister
Martin Sweet: God of warts.
Amazing that he´s alive...
Eric Young: Man he's ugly.
Dave Lepard: Should have
stoped writing music after sacrifice...
London: Scary guy.
Ozzy Osbourne
Martin Sweet: Amazing he
was alive in 1985!
Eric Young: Hate his wife.
Dave Lepard: Im starting
to walk like him...
London: He shouldn't let
his daughter release records.
Martin Sweet: Nothing comes
to my mind.
Eric Young: I know! Nice
isnt it? I got it last year.
Dave Lepard: Lola Ferarri
is my mother & the i havn't tryed the car...
London: ?
Jennyfer Star (Swindle A Go-Go)
Martin Sweet: A good chic!
Eric Young: Best chic-guitarist
Dave Lepard: I`ve tryed
her... (laugh)
London: I'm her dog. A
great girl!!
The craziest thing uve
ever done in your life...
Martin Sweet: I´m
a christian rocker, I don´t do crazy stuff!!
Eric Young: I guess if
i have to pick one, it would be this time when i was
all nice n' liquored up (as usuall) had this crasy idea
of sitting my ass down right in the middle of a highway
to drink, i thougt, "o well, there arent no tire-tracks
here i the middle so that must mean that the cars dont
drive here, just a meter or two to the right n left,
right guys?" Funny how sane u get when u drink.
Dave Lepard: When i woke
up in NYC so fukked up in the head whit a six pack o`swedish
light beers and 5000$ with a friend of mine... That
was totally insane we didnt even remember how we got
there but we apparently been on a 6 hour flight from
sweden to NYC during the night... (laugh)
London: It's too sick to
write here and I don't want people to think I'm proud
of it and bragging about it so I'm keeping it to myself.
However I can promise there is no lack of crazyness
Whats in Crash Diets
future? Do u already have some new materials or particular
Martin Sweet: Who knows
whats the future says
Eric Young: Right now were
pretty much in a "planing" stage. Geting ready
to qounqer the world!
Dave Lepard: Hopefully
some good deal will come up soon, we have already been
fukkin around with some labels but we need a better
deal to be able to reach out to the masses fo the world...
i guess we will try to record as much as possible this
fall and winter so that we have loads of more material
to pick out from when we shall release the first album...
London: Have we ever really
planned anything?
Since Italian girls have already
been warned, I suggest to end up this way: lets
greet with some of your particular sayings or some pearl
of pure sleazy philosophy signed Crash Diet!
Martin Sweet: Fikk the
world, Hail & kill, Shout at the devil, In god we
Eric Young: Hope to see
you gals soon and stay tuned for some action!
London: Just be true to
yourself and wait nicely it's soon your turn to ride
the crashdiet rollercoster...
Dave Lepard:"Sotto
Vocce Primadonna Parmigiano" ....we`ll be coming
to your beutiful country very soon i hope and then if
you bake me pizza and practice your french kisses you
can feed the starving Lepardman when he arrives.....Cheers
Italy you rock!!!
Intervista realizzata da Bruno
Traduzioni realizzate da Tony Aramini.
All photos taken by Eliana Ivarsdotter Haddad.
